International NDT has been set up to survey marine and other structures using Non Destructive Testing techniques to detect potentially weakening flaws. International NDT Ltd has been formed as an independent company by the team which until now has operated an NDT division within the long established Marine Results Ltd, whose roots as a superyacht rigging and survey specialist have evolved in the past decade to include an increasing workload of NDT, Ultrasonic Testing and Destructive Testing (testing breaking strains to produce data on safe working loads).
The decision to separate the NDT function of the business allows International NDT to focus on its own core services. “Growing demand for NDT is increasing from our existing client base,” comments Director Giles Waterhouse, who will head the new NDT operation. “At the same time we are seeing increasing demand in the power generation, automotive, aerospace, defence and R&D sectors. We feel this is the right time to create an entity that focusses solely on NDT and survey.”
Giles is joined at International NDT by other Marine Results Directors Jon Morris and Ed Danby, supported by longstanding NDT expert and consultant Richard Freemantle.
The company is also gearing up for immediate expansion with ongoing training of existing and new inspectors.
The International NDT team has extensive experience through their work with superyacht survey and composite inspection projects whose applications are transferable to other composite structures in a range of industry sectors. Recent and regular projects have included work on some of the world’s largest and most successful yachts including M5’s (formerly Mirabella) massive 90m carbon mast and Judel Vrolijk 72 Sorcha. These advanced inspection methods are also being applied to defence components.